Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Episode 18: Herman Cain is not Abel

Clips: Orson Wells on Cold Reading, Herman Cain on WSJ, Sarah Palin on Fox News, Herman Cain and Uzbekistan on Think Progress, Anonymous, A Few Good Men.

Stories: Rapture again, Rick Santorum and Abe Lincoln, Dan Savage wants Herman Cain to suck his dick, Herman Cain said Jesus was killed by a Liberal Court, Herman Cain 999, Michelle Bachmann doesn't know where Libya is, Herman Cain and Uzbekistan, Anonymous takes down child porn on Darknet, Tea party suggests business owners don't hire to spite Obama, Woman Beaten with frozen armadillo.


  1. Knowing that the two of you watch British movies with the subtitles turned on (!), I can't fucking wait to hear you get to grips with Patrick Redmond's accent.

  2. Admittedly there is going to be a lot of, "What was that?"

    You could always join us as a translator.
